Economic Impact

Public Transit Impacts Economic Development by:

  1. Providing employment opportunities with the transit system itself.
  2. Contracting with local vendors for fueling, maintenance and other support functions.
  3. Supporting entrepreneurs such as local taxi companies and intercity carriers.
  4. Benefiting local businesses by providing access for residents and visitors, both of which represent additional customers.
  5. Increasing attractiveness of the area for tourists and potential employees or employers.
  6. Allowing elderly residents to remain in the community by linking them to health care institutions, social services and recreational opportunities.
  7. Facilitating more cost effective centralization of facilities and services which can be accessible to all residents.
  8. Achieving economic self-sufficiency by enabling unemployed and underemployed workers to access job and employment training opportunities.
  9. Allowing transportation benefits for current students.
  10. Linking the economies of rural areas with those of more prosperous urban areas.
  11. Enhancing the effectiveness of public and human service programs through the efficiencies generated by transportation coordination.